November 3, 2012
October 30, 2012
زي ما القطيع يقول :)
اكتب اليوم، من موقعي هذا تعليقا علي بعض الخري الذي مر علي في الأيام الفائتة... ومن اهم هذا الخري العظيم هو انتشار موجة من الوساخة والقرف علي دماغنا متلخصة في سعادة وفرح ولاد الوسخة بخصوص الكوارث الطبيعية وهلاك "الكفار" في إعصار ساندي بالولايات المتحدة :)
طبعا اي حد بيعرف يقرأ عربي أو انجليزي أو اي حاجة أصلا هيقدر يميز إن دي مدونة لاسلطوية - اي بمعني أصح، اللي بيكتب اللي بتاعة دي حلم حياته اختفاء كل حكومات العالم بسلاحها ببابا غنوجها من علي وجه الكوكب أساسا، ودا بس علشان أسبق ولاد الوسخة اللي هيقولوا ده صهيوني وبيحب أمريكا وعنده خياشيم وكدة. أحب أقول لك يا توتو إنت وسوسو إن يا حبيبي جهلك بتقريبا كدة كل علوم الانسانية وغبائك العام هو أكبر دفعة ومساعدة للرأسمالية العالمية ومش المدونة بتاعتي :)
نرجع لموضوعنا ، الصراحة كدة ومنغير لف ودوران ، الحقيقة اتصدمت من كمية الناس اللي شفتها في اليومين اللي فاتوا شمتانين ومبسوطين اوي إن في بني ادمين بتموت في أمريكا :) ، أحب أقول لك يا عسل إن إنت وهي أكبر إهانة للأديان السماوية اللي بتدافعوا عنها باستماته اوي بين طيات الصفحات المساندة لميستر بيبسي وغيره.
عايز بس أوضح، إني اخر واحد ينفع يدافع أو يحامي عن الأديان، بس أنا شايف مغالطة منطقية شنيعة نابعة من إن واحد يفرح اوي لموت الأخرين وبعدين يقول دا أنا باحب كل الناس وبتاع سلام وكده.
طبعا في نوع اخر من حيوانات الرعي والساقية بيردد زي العبيط إن اللي بيحصل هناك ده غضب من الله، ... أظن إن أنا مش محتاج أوضح وجهة نظري في الحتة دي علشان اي إنسان قادر علي معرفة قفاه من وجهه يقدر يعرف مشكلة الفكرة دي : وأقدم لكم قائمة ملخصة عن بعض الكوارث الطبيعية وحصادها من الضحايا في بلاد المؤمنين في القرن الماضي :
- 1902 - الكوليرا - مصر - 35ألف ضحية
- 1935 - زلزال بالوشيستان في باكستان - 60 ألف ضحية
- 1939 - زلزال - تركية - 32ألف ضحية
- 1947 - الكوليرا تاني - مصر - 20ألف ضحية
- 1948 - زلزال - تركمانيستان - 100ألف ضحية
- 1954 - زلزال - الجزائر - 1600 ضحية
- 1960 - زلزال أغادير - المغرب - 15ألف ضحية
- ايران اتفشخت من سنة 1960 حتي 1989 بس مش هقول تفاصيل عشان الخرفان هيقولوا علشان شيعة هاهاهاها
- 1991 - إعصار - بنجلادش - 140ألف ضحية
- 1991 - مجاعة - الصومال - 280ألف ضحية
- 1999 - زلزال - تركيا - 30ألف ضحية
- 2004 - تسونامي - اندونيسيا - 290ألف ضحية
- 2005 - زلزال كشمير - باكستان - 85ألف ضحية
- 2006 - زلزال جافا - اندونيسيا - 6الاف ضحية
- 2007 - فيضان - السودان - 70 ضحية
- 2007 - إعصار - بنجلادش - 10الاف ضحية
- 2009 - فيضان - السعودية - 77 ضحية في وقت الحج
- 2011 - زلزال - تركيا - 200 ضحية
إعصار ساندي ، الولايات المتحدة ، 2012 - 35 ضحية :)))
لسا اسمه غضب من الله يا عبيط عيلتك منك له ولا اسمها كارثة "طبيعية" ها ؟؟؟
ابوس أيديكوا كفاية تصرفات قطيع كدة وأي حد عامل نفسه كبير عليك علشان مبيحلقش دقنه مش لازم تصدقه لما يقول اي حاجة والسلام :) وشكرا :))
October 18, 2012
Shut Up and Sleep Early.
Currently being set up, is a totalitarian regime, state control with a Far tighter grip than the one before, here's a list of things currently being Staged to Monitor, Control and Survey you.
1) A Law is currently being Passed to outlaw shops, cafes and Restaurants opening after 10 or 11 PM, Which will result in Unsafe night streets, in "Enabled" police Brutality and an overall plus for State control.
2) A Constitution is currently being cooked, one containing texts related to Personal Freedom, and Statements about obligatory "patriotism and religiousness". Texts directly denying your rights to Free-speech are being Written under the Tag of "Offence to Religion, Offence to State & Offence to President."
3) CCTV and Surveillance cameras are Soon to be Planted around Egypt's cities, in an alleged "reaction" to ever-increasing Sexual harassment.
4) Police forces, General Security & Central Security forces are Receiving new Equipment Every other-day, Shielded Vehicles, Electric fences, Taser guns, and Electric Sticks are being Handed to them as you read this.
5) A General Media and Security attack has been waged on Outspoken and Whistle-blowing artists, writers, Freethinkers, and advocates of Human rights of Free belief, More than one claimed-to-be "atheist" are currently doing time.
Not to mention the Recent Police attacks on "Book Markets", the Destruction of Street art in Various places around the Country and A ton of other Stuff that has been going on under the noses of civilians in this country. They've Given you More TV shows, and more "Seemingly political" entertainment while they've been fucking you from behind for almost 4 Months now.
1) A Law is currently being Passed to outlaw shops, cafes and Restaurants opening after 10 or 11 PM, Which will result in Unsafe night streets, in "Enabled" police Brutality and an overall plus for State control.
2) A Constitution is currently being cooked, one containing texts related to Personal Freedom, and Statements about obligatory "patriotism and religiousness". Texts directly denying your rights to Free-speech are being Written under the Tag of "Offence to Religion, Offence to State & Offence to President."
3) CCTV and Surveillance cameras are Soon to be Planted around Egypt's cities, in an alleged "reaction" to ever-increasing Sexual harassment.
4) Police forces, General Security & Central Security forces are Receiving new Equipment Every other-day, Shielded Vehicles, Electric fences, Taser guns, and Electric Sticks are being Handed to them as you read this.
5) A General Media and Security attack has been waged on Outspoken and Whistle-blowing artists, writers, Freethinkers, and advocates of Human rights of Free belief, More than one claimed-to-be "atheist" are currently doing time.
Not to mention the Recent Police attacks on "Book Markets", the Destruction of Street art in Various places around the Country and A ton of other Stuff that has been going on under the noses of civilians in this country. They've Given you More TV shows, and more "Seemingly political" entertainment while they've been fucking you from behind for almost 4 Months now.
Just Shut up and watch the New Turkish Soap Opera.
August 20, 2012
The Potentials of Human Progress
4 to 5 Babies are Born with Each Second, ... Now let's picture this, Each and every one of These Beautiful Little humans is then Taken on a Long Parental and maybe an Educational Journey, What if they're all taught that Differences are a 'Bad' thing ? What if they're Raised to conform and Adapt to Societal Norms ? What if they Live their lives based on Their parent's Decisions and Views ? What if they Inherit belief Systems that they don't understand and For which they're taught Not to Question or Ponder upon ? ... Does that Sound Familiar ? ... It Probably Does, Cause Sadly enough, It's a Diluted Description of Reality.
Human Civilization is at Crossroads, Either Humans -All Of Them- Choose to forsake Differences, Delusions and Greed and Contemplate the Potentials of a Unified Nation of Earth, or they -All Of Them- Choose to Freefall with Modern Society.
It is up to Us, whether to Build strong Bridges across Cultures and Communities or To Build walls and Wire Fences. It is also up to us, Whether to look upon Capitalism and War with Shame and Disgust or to Take Pride in Military and to Glorify Bankers and Corporations.
We are able (as Humans) to Solve each and Every last one of our Problems, Today. The Challenges are no Longer Technological, At All, Computer Speeds are Doubling each 1.5 years, by next year, You will be able to Get a 1 Terabyte Flash Drive, Today, You can book a Flight to outer space, All Sorts of Alternate Infinite Energy Sources are Available today, Solar-Powered Airplanes are Mass Produced, You can know where you are, Anytime and Anywhere in the world through Universal Gps Systems that are soon to be Outdated, Your mobile phone is 10 times Stronger than the Computer you owned in the 90's, There's absolutely NO REASON to Be worrying about non-renewable resources Except for one Type of People. Which is those who own and Sell these Resources. Weapon manufacturers, Armies, Ultra-Expanded Corporations, These are the People who are Freezing the Potentials of Human progress. They are the Reason that 3 out of these 4 Babies will be Born to Communities where Access to Safe sources of Nutrition and Knowledge alike are Very Limited. They Are also the reason Why, Human Priorities have been re-arranged, and Exactly why the Things you buy don't last that Much, So you can Buy again, So you can work again, and Be Frustrated again to go out Shopping. Again.
Human Civilization is at Crossroads, Either Humans -All Of Them- Choose to forsake Differences, Delusions and Greed and Contemplate the Potentials of a Unified Nation of Earth, or they -All Of Them- Choose to Freefall with Modern Society.
It is up to Us, whether to Build strong Bridges across Cultures and Communities or To Build walls and Wire Fences. It is also up to us, Whether to look upon Capitalism and War with Shame and Disgust or to Take Pride in Military and to Glorify Bankers and Corporations.
We are able (as Humans) to Solve each and Every last one of our Problems, Today. The Challenges are no Longer Technological, At All, Computer Speeds are Doubling each 1.5 years, by next year, You will be able to Get a 1 Terabyte Flash Drive, Today, You can book a Flight to outer space, All Sorts of Alternate Infinite Energy Sources are Available today, Solar-Powered Airplanes are Mass Produced, You can know where you are, Anytime and Anywhere in the world through Universal Gps Systems that are soon to be Outdated, Your mobile phone is 10 times Stronger than the Computer you owned in the 90's, There's absolutely NO REASON to Be worrying about non-renewable resources Except for one Type of People. Which is those who own and Sell these Resources. Weapon manufacturers, Armies, Ultra-Expanded Corporations, These are the People who are Freezing the Potentials of Human progress. They are the Reason that 3 out of these 4 Babies will be Born to Communities where Access to Safe sources of Nutrition and Knowledge alike are Very Limited. They Are also the reason Why, Human Priorities have been re-arranged, and Exactly why the Things you buy don't last that Much, So you can Buy again, So you can work again, and Be Frustrated again to go out Shopping. Again.
And this is Exactly why, The First enemy in the Way of a Type-1 Human Society is Governments and Multi-National Corporations & Military Organizations .Capitalism is The Enemy.
Put an End to Religion , War and Money Oriented Regimes.
Put an End to Religion , War and Money Oriented Regimes.
August 3, 2012
July 4, 2012
June 24, 2012
You Shouldn't Really Care.
What Is It with you & your Panic Attacks ? , Has the Political Spectacle Taken control Over your Microscopic minds So much ? Are you Lacking Identity to the Point where You rely On your Politicians for It ? , I See a reaction Similar to the Ones I See around the Finale of a Reality Show or A Soccer match Right now, Governmental Offices are the Furthest thing From the Reality of the Streets. Stop Overreacting, Don't Be a Puppet, Fuck the Suit and Tie men. All of Them.
- Stop Giving the Threads of your Daily Activity to the Media, Stop following the Wave.
- Don't Submit to the Popular trend and Stop trying to Fit in, Separation and Prejudicial Actions Stand on your Culture not On the way The Men of your Offices Address themselves.
- Wake up, Smash your TV, ... Live!
May 17, 2012
April 21, 2012
February 11, 2012
Prologues, Anarchist Inspiration.
Place yourself in the Center of Events, Look at humans, what they're doing and Have been doing to others, themselves and Their Planet as Long as History recalls... Look closely and Tell me what you see and What you think of it, Look at all the Wars, look at Crime, Murders, Conspiracies, Disease, Hatred, Fear, Inequality, Poverty... Do you like what you see ?
It is the Product of deep stretching of death's roots in the Lives of the Alive... It is the Product of humans' love for Money, Material, Image and Not each other...
It is, ... Sadly, the product of Churches and Synagogues and Mosques going at Misdirected preaching, and Immoral Elitist fundamentalism...
It is, the Product of Fear, and it's Son... Capitalism...
It is not a Surprise that most of those that blindly follow and Glorify military Organizations And governmental agencies Never read a History book, and Can not identify or define basic Political terms...
It is not a Surprise that most of those that Blindly Follow and glorify Religious Fundamentalism, and all of its Racist and Elitist relatives, Probably Can NOT even Read...
Now, a Nation is not the collective noun for People and Government... It is that of People and Land; the Government is an Outsider...
and the World, all in all is one Nation, as Borders are Outsiders...
We see Families as Miniature models for States; and their different types of Administrative Methods... and through this define Anarchy as the Absence of Ultimate word, the Absence of Obligation, the Absence of the Elite and the Superior... :
It is the Product of deep stretching of death's roots in the Lives of the Alive... It is the Product of humans' love for Money, Material, Image and Not each other...
It is, ... Sadly, the product of Churches and Synagogues and Mosques going at Misdirected preaching, and Immoral Elitist fundamentalism...
It is, the Product of Fear, and it's Son... Capitalism...
It is not a Surprise that most of those that blindly follow and Glorify military Organizations And governmental agencies Never read a History book, and Can not identify or define basic Political terms...
It is not a Surprise that most of those that Blindly Follow and glorify Religious Fundamentalism, and all of its Racist and Elitist relatives, Probably Can NOT even Read...
Now, a Nation is not the collective noun for People and Government... It is that of People and Land; the Government is an Outsider...
and the World, all in all is one Nation, as Borders are Outsiders...
We see Families as Miniature models for States; and their different types of Administrative Methods... and through this define Anarchy as the Absence of Ultimate word, the Absence of Obligation, the Absence of the Elite and the Superior... :
- A Family with a Constant Oppressor would be a Model for Totalitarianism: It is a family of Psychological disorders, Inner chaos, and invisible Forces directing the Oppressed towards the Opposite extremes in relation to the Oppressor, It is a family where all the Members are silent and Straight-faced in the Presence of the Oppressor (Father or Mother) ; But one where the Members would Seize ANY chance to Rebel against their Oppressor's decisions... :
- A Family with Pre-made Patterns of thinking, Pre-made Ideologies and Perspectives, Ready to be Inherited is a Model for Fascism... It is one where the Members are denied the right of Opinion, Where all the Brains are Pacified and Neutralized, Programmed to a Pre-made pattern in accordance to Religion or Perfectionist Social theory or Fear of Judgement.
- A Family with a Lying Oppressor, Pushing his Oppressed to work and Earn while they Spend and Live Rich is a Model of Capitalism, ... It is the case with Child Labor, Where the Parent waits for the Hardworking child to come back, Steal their earning and not let the Earner near the Fruit of their labor.
Now a Family where the Members can Not name an Oppressor, where the Members are allowed Access to Information freely, where they're allowed to work and adopt their own Mentalities and still keep a healthy positive Atmosphere, where the Members share almost all the share-able Items and where the Young ones are Exposed to Direct information as a Source of Guidance is a Model for Anarchy.
Anarchy Breaks all the Barriers, anarchy is the Absence of Higher Strength but the Existence of Higher Will, Anarchy is the Absence of Violence for it is not needed; Anarchy is Think and Let Think, Pray and Let Pray, Work and Let work, Do and let Do ... Earn and let Earn.
Anarchy is Peace, Anarchy is the Absence of Borders and Weapons and the need for them...
Imagine a Place where you Actually live based on your CHOICES and not what you were simply born to... Imagine Freedom, ABSOLUTE freedom, A world free of IMPOSED thoughts and Methods, Free of IMPOSED Dogmas, Free of IMPOSED Ideology.

Anarchy Breaks all the Barriers, anarchy is the Absence of Higher Strength but the Existence of Higher Will, Anarchy is the Absence of Violence for it is not needed; Anarchy is Think and Let Think, Pray and Let Pray, Work and Let work, Do and let Do ... Earn and let Earn.
Anarchy is Peace, Anarchy is the Absence of Borders and Weapons and the need for them...
Imagine a Place where you Actually live based on your CHOICES and not what you were simply born to... Imagine Freedom, ABSOLUTE freedom, A world free of IMPOSED thoughts and Methods, Free of IMPOSED Dogmas, Free of IMPOSED Ideology.

January 27, 2012
Human Rights,
January 21, 2012
عن شمولية المنظمات والبروباجاندا :
قبل بداية المقال ؛ هناك مثال أذكره كثيرا قد يوضح فكرة الشمولية إلي الكثيرين ... فلنقل ان لديك راع خراف ، له عشرة من الخراف ، لكل منهم تفضيل شخصي في المأكل ، .. فعندما يخرج بهم الراعي ليرعوا في البرية ؛ ينطلق كل منهم في اتجاه العشب الذي يفضله ، فأحدهم يفضل العشب الخشن ، وأخر يفضل العشب الجديد وهكذا ...
ماذا سيكون الوضع عندما يريد الراعي جمعهم والعودة بهم ثانية ؟؟ ..
بالطبع سيعاني كثيرا في ملاحقتهم كل علي حدي ...
يأتي هذا الراعي بالخراف جميعا ، ويعرضهم إلي كل أنواع المديح وإعلاء الشأن إلي نوع واحد من العشب ... حتي يترك كل منهم تفضيله الشخصي ويقتنع بأفضلية العشب الذي قال عنه الراعي ...
فعندما يخرج بهم ليرعوا ثانية ؛ فإذا بهم يتجهوا كلهم إلي نفس نوع العشب ، فيسهل علي الراعي جمعهم في أقل من دقيقة بعد ان يستريح أثناء رعيهم ...
والآن تخيل ان هذا الراعي هو ادارة الدولة ، الحكومة والجهازين التنفيذي والأمني ... والخراف هم الشعب بعماله ومجتمعه المدني وأحزابه وحركاته السياسية ...
فالإدارات بطبعها تلجأ دائما إلي المثال الثاني ... وهو نموذج لكيفية توظيف البروباجندا في تطبيق الادارة الشمولية ...
فعندما تتقلد الرأسمالية التي تبحث دائما عن الكفاءة الإنتاجية والتربح بغض النظر عن أحوال المجتمع ؛ تتحكم الرأسمالية الفاشية الموالية للفساد الدولي دائما في أجهزة الأعلام ، فتشبع الشعوب من البروباغاندا القومية ، من خلق العدو الشعبي الموحد وخلق الشوفينية الوهمية
وجعل الوطنية الكاذبة هدف شعبي ...
مصر :
وما من مثال أفضل من مجموعات المواطنين الشرفاء ومجموعات تمجيد المجلس العسكري وشباب إحنا اسفين ... فهم خير مثال علي من تم غسل عقولهم حتي تخلصوا من الفكر الشخصي و كرسوا مجهوداتهم للمدافعة عن عصبة المجرمين واصحاب المصالح في حين ان هؤلاء هم من يستعبدوهم ويعاملهونهم دون المستوي الإنساني ... فلقد تشبع المجتمع الجاهل من بروباجندا وزارتي الداخلية والدفاع ، اللتين يقومان فقط للدفاع عن قوام الفساد والادارة الشمولية ...
أما عن طموح الجماعات الأصولية الدينيه في تحقيق السلطة الشمولية لأنفسهم ؛ فما أسهل هذا الهدف ، فصناعة البروباجندا الدينية اسهل من القومية ، خصوصا عند استهدافهم لجموع الأميين ومن يعيشون تحت المستويات المتعارف عليها في علم الاجتماع ... فما أسهل تصدير الدين إلي من لا يملك القدرة على قراءة القرآن نفسه ... ؟
ولذلك فأن هدف المجتمع الأنركي الدولي هو الدفاع عن الشعوب وعن العقول ضد يحاول الاستخفاف بها واستغلالها في مصالحه الشخصية ، فهدفنا هو تحقيق المجتمع العادل متساوي الفرص ومتساوي القدرات والقوي ، فأول من يجب التصدي له هو من يملك الكثير ويسلب الكثير ، من يستطيع التقديم الي المجتمع ويختار ان يقدم لنفسه أولا ...
" حرية الجميع هي أساس حريتي الشخصية " - " باكونين "
أما عن طموح الجماعات الأصولية الدينيه في تحقيق السلطة الشمولية لأنفسهم ؛ فما أسهل هذا الهدف ، فصناعة البروباجندا الدينية اسهل من القومية ، خصوصا عند استهدافهم لجموع الأميين ومن يعيشون تحت المستويات المتعارف عليها في علم الاجتماع ... فما أسهل تصدير الدين إلي من لا يملك القدرة على قراءة القرآن نفسه ... ؟
ولذلك فأن هدف المجتمع الأنركي الدولي هو الدفاع عن الشعوب وعن العقول ضد يحاول الاستخفاف بها واستغلالها في مصالحه الشخصية ، فهدفنا هو تحقيق المجتمع العادل متساوي الفرص ومتساوي القدرات والقوي ، فأول من يجب التصدي له هو من يملك الكثير ويسلب الكثير ، من يستطيع التقديم الي المجتمع ويختار ان يقدم لنفسه أولا ...
" حرية الجميع هي أساس حريتي الشخصية " - " باكونين "
Human Rights,
January 17, 2012
Those norms they inherited, The boxes where they keep the aspects of their lives; a Box for Behaviors and Morals, a Box for Religion, a Box for work, a Box for Marriage, a Box for Social Interactions, and A Trash can for Thinking, art and Expression.
It is inherited, the System, The Military, The Police, the Capitalist machine and the Passion for War...
How many of the people you meet everyday, Thinks that the Real problem with humanity is the MILITARY or the CAPITALISTS?
Probably one in 20, and I'll tell you why, ... It's because reality has no alternatives, not even in their wildest imaginations, you speak to them about abolishing armies and disposing all the weapons in the world, and they answer with either " Israel will attack, or America will attack "
So you, Soldiers, off to Patriotic war, think that The soldiers you fight against, don't think they're fighting for their god and Flag too ? ...
You realize that the Celebrating triumphant army is Usually the one that KILLED more HUMANS, right ?
You Realize that through history, the Most Retarded action done by Human groups " which would be War " ; is the Most common ? ...and do you realize the Matter of just how many people died for your ignorant fucking Noses to be raised in mid-air ?
What Makes you think your army is any different than the ones of the Other nations ? ... What makes you SO FUCKING SURE that you're the ONLY ones that are RIGHT ? ...
You think none of the Other fundamentalists groups has their own Customs and Traditions too ? ... Think Again. ; You Grow your beard , They Kiss a Wall... You Wear crosses and Symbols across your chests, Hindus do too... ; You're not RIGHT !
Simply because No One Is.
You realize that By supporting Military Organizations around the globe, you're becoming More of a RETARDED FUCK, everyday ? ... Not to mention That you shouldn't be considered human.
I'm an Anarchist because All the Lame soap Operas that governments do to brainwash the Average, just don't cut it for me...
Relating God to the Flag to the State to your own well-being and so called " Pride " ; Buys you the rank of " IDIOT "
does a horizontal society with Equal right , equal chances, No violence, Free speech, Free Art movements, Free Travel, Free Belief, Free residence and no lying capitalist Fascist pricks manipulating the aspects of your life sound like a bad Idea ??
If it does... check " Masochism or Self-Defeating Personality Disorder " ; maybe you Have it; Since you have a thing for being Enslaved ;)
Fuck You; I'm still an Anarchist.
Human Rights,
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