It is the Product of deep stretching of death's roots in the Lives of the Alive... It is the Product of humans' love for Money, Material, Image and Not each other...
It is, ... Sadly, the product of Churches and Synagogues and Mosques going at Misdirected preaching, and Immoral Elitist fundamentalism...
It is, the Product of Fear, and it's Son... Capitalism...
It is not a Surprise that most of those that blindly follow and Glorify military Organizations And governmental agencies Never read a History book, and Can not identify or define basic Political terms...
It is not a Surprise that most of those that Blindly Follow and glorify Religious Fundamentalism, and all of its Racist and Elitist relatives, Probably Can NOT even Read...
Now, a Nation is not the collective noun for People and Government... It is that of People and Land; the Government is an Outsider...
and the World, all in all is one Nation, as Borders are Outsiders...
We see Families as Miniature models for States; and their different types of Administrative Methods... and through this define Anarchy as the Absence of Ultimate word, the Absence of Obligation, the Absence of the Elite and the Superior... :
- A Family with a Constant Oppressor would be a Model for Totalitarianism: It is a family of Psychological disorders, Inner chaos, and invisible Forces directing the Oppressed towards the Opposite extremes in relation to the Oppressor, It is a family where all the Members are silent and Straight-faced in the Presence of the Oppressor (Father or Mother) ; But one where the Members would Seize ANY chance to Rebel against their Oppressor's decisions... :
- A Family with Pre-made Patterns of thinking, Pre-made Ideologies and Perspectives, Ready to be Inherited is a Model for Fascism... It is one where the Members are denied the right of Opinion, Where all the Brains are Pacified and Neutralized, Programmed to a Pre-made pattern in accordance to Religion or Perfectionist Social theory or Fear of Judgement.
- A Family with a Lying Oppressor, Pushing his Oppressed to work and Earn while they Spend and Live Rich is a Model of Capitalism, ... It is the case with Child Labor, Where the Parent waits for the Hardworking child to come back, Steal their earning and not let the Earner near the Fruit of their labor.
Now a Family where the Members can Not name an Oppressor, where the Members are allowed Access to Information freely, where they're allowed to work and adopt their own Mentalities and still keep a healthy positive Atmosphere, where the Members share almost all the share-able Items and where the Young ones are Exposed to Direct information as a Source of Guidance is a Model for Anarchy.
Anarchy Breaks all the Barriers, anarchy is the Absence of Higher Strength but the Existence of Higher Will, Anarchy is the Absence of Violence for it is not needed; Anarchy is Think and Let Think, Pray and Let Pray, Work and Let work, Do and let Do ... Earn and let Earn.
Anarchy is Peace, Anarchy is the Absence of Borders and Weapons and the need for them...
Imagine a Place where you Actually live based on your CHOICES and not what you were simply born to... Imagine Freedom, ABSOLUTE freedom, A world free of IMPOSED thoughts and Methods, Free of IMPOSED Dogmas, Free of IMPOSED Ideology.

Anarchy Breaks all the Barriers, anarchy is the Absence of Higher Strength but the Existence of Higher Will, Anarchy is the Absence of Violence for it is not needed; Anarchy is Think and Let Think, Pray and Let Pray, Work and Let work, Do and let Do ... Earn and let Earn.
Anarchy is Peace, Anarchy is the Absence of Borders and Weapons and the need for them...
Imagine a Place where you Actually live based on your CHOICES and not what you were simply born to... Imagine Freedom, ABSOLUTE freedom, A world free of IMPOSED thoughts and Methods, Free of IMPOSED Dogmas, Free of IMPOSED Ideology.