December 31, 2011

The 31st of December:

So yeah, Today marks the last day of 2011, ... When you look at it , it's just a number... But if you REALLY look into it       .........     ... no , still just a number.

For a Huge mass of People worldwide , today is the Day for Celebration , Joy , Merriness and Festivity ; But for me , It's the day when I usually look back on all the shit Humanity did to itself in the past year.

In a few hours, calenders change the BIG number , Its no big deal cause if it is, that makes Celebrating Each Passing day a Necessity ( Which would be pretty stupid ).
Its a celebration of how much time and Timing matter to us, ... we keep track of time so we don't waste it, But it really backfires and its the fact that we keep track of Minutes and seconds that makes us realize how much we waste Everyday. ( I'm more of a romanticist )

Tonight , we celebrate by using Resources excessively while other Die in hunger and chaos and war , we'll drink and be merry , we'll use the hollow symbol of the day as a mere social Icebreaker and we'll also use the same cliches we use every year repeatedly, superficially hoping and wishing for a better upcoming year , but Consciously realizing that It's not going to hold anything extremely Positive in relation to the one before it.

Its obvious how these fake celebrations and Hypes are distracting us from the fact that Others are being killed and Slaughtered for no direct cause, ... and while we give our money to whoever offers us liquor and food tonight , ... that money is being used to Obliterate someone else.
There's victims to our "innocent" celebrations and That's how it'll always be, ... Im not saying dont celebrate , in contrary , I'm saying celebrate , but keep in mind that you'll do your best ... Tomorrow to change yourself and whatever you can.

Look back on how many people have been treated like shit to accept someone else's beliefs , Decisions and / or to work for someone else's money... how many people died to fight the rich man's war this year ? ...

Humanity Fails miserably , each and Every year , and It's been going DOWNHILL for over a Hundred years now, and It's not going to change unless we ... ALL OF US. change , Today, not because its new years eve or any of that useless shit.

But because I , and probably everyone else , don't want to go down in history with one of the Generations that didn't change a thing, and Hopefully not with the ones that Changed to the worse.

what am I saying...?

December 16, 2011

#OccupyCabinet , Army Brutes flushed into Battle ... Again.

And It all repeats itself , doesn't it ? ...

Once again , Mindless sheep in Khaki Drills are Thrown out by their Leaders to Prove that the supposedly stable hand of the SCAF is Shaking once again.

There they go, Evicting and Dispersing peaceful Sit-in protesters using exaggerated military force , Funny faces and Offensive taunts.

They had Poisoned about 50 people days ago and today they wake the protesters up around 4 AM, kidnapping a protester and Sitting him down for continuous torture for an entire hour, they eventually release him after traumatizing him , Protesters take him to the hospital and come back for another episode of sadism.

Photos Courtesy of Asmaa Khairy -!/DoctoraAzma
Army soldiers Start randomly throwing debris, rocks, chairs and shattered glass from atop the building over the heads of unsuspecting protesters; after burning down two cars on sit-in grounds.

Hours from this post, the Egyptian Media will twist the minds of their lab rats into believing that the protesters are the children of the Devil, and that their masonic plans of terrorizing the army and the nation of Egypt are in full effect, As customary , the SCAF will come across as the Victim, The SCAF that's been twisting the facts and hiding their red hands for Months now Enjoy their bloodsport , but you can't obliterate the evidence and the facts for too long,

The league of Egyptian revolutionary youth has not been silenced, Neither will it ever be.



November 28, 2011

Life's an Illusion , Love is A Dream.

-I Cant seem to understand why today's Elections could Ever be considered a Positive thing.
-Today's elections are going to Form a Parliament out of the Scum of Egypt's Political Life, Morons and Deceiving Lying fucks from the Democratic Party and From Ikhwan are all going to End up with Chairs.
-A Parliament under SCAF's Foot, the Same Scaf that Obliterated public opinion, Murdered, Ran over and Shot Protesters; Started Religious War to empower the Brotherhood, Held Virginity Checks on girls, Threw Civilians in Military Court, Practied and Still Practices Police Brutality, Lied about the Laws of Exclusion, about Parties with Religious Backgrounds, about the Date for Transfer of Power, Lied about EVERYTHING.
The Same scaf that Operates the Egyptian media with a 100% Fictional Content.
The Same scaf that Made Poor People Poorer and Ignorant People More Ignorant.
-And While we know all of that About them, You still trust them With these Elections?
not just that, but the Fact that They're so Attached to The dates that they wouldn't Postpone them not even A Day although Its obviously not a Safe time.
Mabrouk to the Ex-Democratic Party Members, to The Brotherhood and To the Salafis, and to SCAF; The people of Egypt Decided to Perfectly Carry out your Plans :) !

November 14, 2011

وانت مال أمك ؟

البس ، أقلع 
اتدين ، الحد 
أكره ، أحب 
أسافر ، اقعد 
أجري ، امشي 
ابوس ، احضن
اتجوز ، اعنس 
أعيش ، أموت 
اكتب ، اقرأ 
اصوم ، أكل
اتكلم ، اسكت 
اعمل ، معملش 
أدمن ، ما ادمنش 
اشرب ، ما اشربش 
اصيف ، اشتي 
اضحك ، اعيط
أصرخ ، اوشوش 
العب ، اهدي 
ارسم ، أصور 
أقاطع ، أصاحب
أغني ، أصلي
اتفسح ، أنام
اصحي ، أحلم
أصدقك ، مصدقكش 

انت مال أمك ؟؟؟؟ 

November 4, 2011

November 3, 2011

حلال علي المفتري وعلي الغلابة حرام

This Is because lately , I've noticed The Political-ized Islamist movements in Egypt are referring to their Crazy ass ways and Cult practices as " Egyptian Culture ".
I say NO motherfuckers , your Arab Gulf names and Dyed Beards have NOTHING to do with Egyptian Culture , in fact , You're the reason this culture is on the Brink of Extinction.
You've poisoned the Egyptians' taste in Music and art with your Worthless SHIT and your Mediocre Sexually Repressed movies and Music.

A Few days ago , the Man with the Most Hilarious Election campaign in Human history Aka "Abo Esma3eel" , was being interviewed when he was asked whether He would usually accept sitting and chatting with a non-Veiled woman or not, He replied saying that He would NEVER do it as an alleged " Sheikh " , but rather as a future President , hahaha which practically means " HI GUYS , I'M A FAKE ISLAMIST PRICK THAT HAS TWO DIFFERENT RELIGIOUS JUDGEMENTS FOR EACH SUBJECT , AND I SWITCH BETWEEN THEM ACCORDING TO WHAT I'M DOING. " hahahahaha

FUCK YOU! and Lay off the "Culture" bit for a while cause you're only making yourselves look like THE IDIOTS YOU REALLY ARE.

October 21, 2011

21 Oct / 2011

أنا شريف ؛ عايش في عالم بيقبض فيه بنات الاعلانات ملايين وعمال المناجم قروش.
، بلدي فيها الحرية تبقا لقواعد يفرضها حاملي السلاح.
بلدي باتحاسب فيها على ما ينطق به لساني ، وما يفكر فيه عقلي ؛
مكان ما بروح في دايما حد فاكر نفسه إله وبيقرر يحاسبني علي هويتي وأفعالي وشكلي. 
ياما نفسي ما اموتش في نفس العالم ده

ماذا أعطتنا جيوش العسكر وخنازير النظام ؟
فكر معايا ، ليه لازم تنتمي لمجموعة معينة من الخرفان ؟
ليه متطلعش بره القطيع وتجري لوحدك ؟

ليه لازم تستني الإذن من ما يعلوك من رجال الدين أو مديري العمل أو ، أو...

فكر !

ليه بالنسبة إلي ناس كتير ، نجاة الوطن والحياه الكريمه معتمدين علي رجالة ذو أوجه قبيحة وبدل إيطالي
قعدين علي مكاتبهم في التكييف مش هاممهم اللي بيحصل علي أرض الواقع ؟

ليه بننسى المجاعات و الاوبئه ونفتكر ليدي جاجا و نانسي عجرم ؟؟؟

فكر معايا.

“To revolt is a natural tendency of life. Even a worm turns against the foot that crushes it. In general, the vitality and relative dignity of an animal can be measured by the intensity of its instinct to revolt.” 

SherifDirty ; Anti-Propaganda Propaganda ; 21 October/ 2011

September 28, 2011

Offend a Religious Facade , today.

What would offend a Salafi more than Calling him christian ?
and also , ... what Would offend a Christian more than calling him a salafi ? ...

Please tell me if there's anything that could be more Brainfucking , I would totally do it.

تحيا مصر يا معلم

إسلامية إسلامية

September 14, 2011

فوت سلفي

حزب النور جه يضلم عيشة أمنا

الليبرالية حرااام !
ليبرالية يعني أمك تمشي فالشارع منغير حجاب ! أيوة أمك أنت !

El Vote 3alena 7a2.

September 4, 2011

The Army Are The People (Remix) / (الجيش هو الشعب (ريمكس

اعادة تدوير الفلول

Folool-Recycling , Instead of throwing all these useful useful hands on the Shelves...
let's throw them back into the Egyptian political Life , Independently this time.

The National Democratic Party ; فكر جديد ! =D

Oh , and if you don't wanna vote for them , There's always your other choices , Ikhwan , Salafis , A Wide variety of Retards and Assholes is also available ;)

Because Fuck the Revolution :D

September 1, 2011

ملك الغابة

You might be the King of the Forest.
But you sure are nowhere close to the King of Syria.

Your death is So near that We can already smell the Stench of your Rotting Body. :)

Oh and he really Didn't need to Push these ears closer in to Listen , They're already Monkey ears.

August 31, 2011

الجيش هو الكحك

This ... Ladies and Gentlemen , Is the Official military Eid Greeting. :)
I wanted to give out a Proper analysis of the Ad , But I think my Blood pressure's too high for me to think straight ...
If this shit is anything , It's a Sign that we're 100% correct in our Opposition to the Scaf.

El Geesh Howa el sha3b ? Wtf does that mean ?
It could only mean that they don't consider the People , The People anymore.
It's on purpose that the Whole thing is not Encrypted or whatever , It's pretty obvious that they're up at our faces , Come on , So now an Army of Retards Holding Weapons twice as old as they are replaces us ... As the " People " ?

I mean Come On , the way he Turns back at the Little Girl and Picks up the ka7k as If it was coated in Horse shit ? , The Stamp Saying " The Army Is the People " at the End ?


They're getting a Kick of pissing us off and getting on our nerves !! :)

- My Answer :

S.C.R.E.W T.H.E S.U.P.R.E.M.E C.O.U.N.C.I.L !!

Uhmm... MG ... Ph-one H-ome ?

I Really Have Nothing Clever to Say here.
I think It's as Self-Explanatory as It gets.


Doesn't it Sometimes happen that a public Figure becomes too Teddy and Dear that you Just wanna Hug Them and Give them A Kiss on the Cheek ?

Well , I went through that with -he who shall not be Named- , So I just had to let it all out , And show you guys his Alter Ego ,

His alter ego is pretty famous too , people ,... maybe even More known than Himself , they Call him the Purple Dinosaur , And he has Given society so Much since his International Media Debut ...

Like - " I LOVE YOU , YOU LOVE ME , WE ARE HAPPY FAMILY " ... and Such.

The Egyptian Coat Of Arms - Redesigned.

I Know few about the History of the Egyptian Coat of Arms - to those who don't know what that is...
Egyptian Coat Of Arms

-Anyway , I only know that the current Emblem is called the " Eagle of Saladin " , You see it on the Flags , on the government's walls , on a Lewa'a pig's Epaulettes ... ; And I suddenly felt the Urge to give the guy a New look , maybe Make myself feel a little more comfortable and at Ease around him...
So I gave it a Guy Fawkes Mask , and I think he Likes it... :)